Hi, my name is

David Udo


I am a Fullstack Software Engineer specializing in Backend Engineering. I am a self-motivated and results-oriented individual with a knack for developing user-friendly and industry-standard software. I have experience developing, maintaining, testing, and debugging software applications.


Select Projects

Here are some personal projects I have worked on.
You can find more on GitHub.

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NodeJS ExpressJS React MongoDB

Jobify is a web application that allows users to post job openings. Users can add, edit, and delete jobs. I created the API for the application as well as the frontend application that interacts with it. I also added an authentication and authorization feature to the web application.

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Python Django MySQL

Study Bud is a web application that connects people with similar interests to study or discuss about a particular topic. Registered users have the ability to create a room in which other users can participate. Authentication, authorization, CRUD, search, sort, and pagination features are all available in this application.

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Python Django PostgreSQL

Devsearch is a full-stack web application that allows developers to share projects, message other developers, rate other developers' work, and search for other developers. In this project, I included a forget password feature that sends a user an email with instructions on how to reset his password. In addition, I used the Django REST framework to create an API from the backend which could be consumed by other software applications. You can see a demo website that made use of the API through this link.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

Phonie is a web application that checks to see if the phone number format entered by the user is a valid Nigeria phone number. This is a project that my Altschool Africa circle worked on for the Altschool Africa holiday hackathon. I was on the backend team for this project. This web app also has an autocomplete feature.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

Redactr is a software that searches for a particular word specified by the user in a text and replaces it with censor characters like hashtags or asterisks. This is one of the projects created by my circle for the Altschool Africa holiday hackathon. For this project I worked on the backend.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

The IP Address Tracker finds the physical location of the ISP your computer uses and shows it on a map. Ipapi, an IP address API, and Open Street Map, a JavaScript map library, were both employed.