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Here are some of my personals projects.
Also take a look at my GitHub profile for more details.

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NodeJS ExpressJS React MongoDB

Jobify is a web application that allows users to post job openings. Users can add, edit, and delete jobs. I created the API for the application as well as the frontend application that interacts with it. I also added an authentication and authorization feature to the web application.

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Python Django MySQL

Study Bud is a web application that connects people with similar interests to study or discuss about a particular topic. Registered users have the ability to create a room in which other users can participate. Authentication, authorization, CRUD, search, sort, and pagination features are all available in this application.

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Python Django PostgreSQL

Devsearch is a full-stack web application that allows developers to share projects, message other developers, rate other developers' work, and search for other developers. In this project, I included a forget password feature that sends a user an email with instructions on how to reset his password. In addition, I used the Django REST framework to create an API from the backend which could be consumed by other software applications. You can see a demo website that made use of the API through this link.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

Phonie is a web application that checks to see if the phone number format entered by the user is a valid Nigeria phone number. This is a project that my Altschool Africa circle worked on for the Altschool Africa holiday hackathon. I was on the backend team for this project. This web app also has an autocomplete feature.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

Redactr is a software that searches for a particular word specified by the user in a text and replaces it with censor characters like hashtags or asterisks. This is one of the projects created by my circle for the Altschool Africa holiday hackathon. For this project I worked on the backend.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

The IP Address Tracker finds the physical location of the ISP your computer uses and shows it on a map. Ipapi, an IP address API, and Open Street Map, a JavaScript map library, were both employed.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

I used this project to learn the fundamentals of creating simple web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. JavaScript was used to make the nav bar responsive, and CSS Flexbox was utilized to make the page layout responsive.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

This is a Frontend Mentor challenge I completed. The idea of the project was to use an api called Quotable to produce random quotes/advice when the user clicks the button with the dice icon.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

After we learned HTML and CSS, Altschool Africa assigned us this assignment. A portfolio website with links to various smaller projects, such as calculator, login, and registration pages, was the assignment given to us.

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HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

This is a Frontend Mentor challenge that I completed. The challenge was designed to help me hone my responsive website design abilities. This was created on my phone, and it taught me how to utilize CSS flexbox to create websites that are responsive on different devices.